Right time, right people, right place
East Star Resources is focused on the discovery and development of copper as well as other base and precious metals in Kazakhstan.
We are experienced explorers in Kazakhstan with a proven track record of finding mineral deposits by undertaking efficient and effective exploration.
Our three-pronged copper exploration strategy of VMS, porphyry and sediment hosted copper leans into distinct qualities of the team and regions within which we operate.
Our VMS portfolio is in an infrastructure rich region with rapidly depleting reserves allowing discoveries to progress towards production quickly and cheaply.
For porphyry exploration, initially funded by the BHP Xplor programme, we are providing investors non-dilutive access to Tier-1 copper deposit potential.
For sediment hosted copper, we are providing very low-cost access to Tier 1 copper prospects in the largest sediment-hosted copper system globally.
For investor relations enquiries, please email eaststar@vigoconsulting.com.